"The answers to the question of values will come only when you're willing to take a journey through your inner territory -- a journey that'll require opening doors that are shut, walking in dark spaces that are frightening, and touching the flame that burns. But at the end is truth."
How can values be scary, you ask?
For some, getting clear about personal values is a frightening journey towards the truth. And once you figure out what you truly care about, what drives you, or what really gets you out of bed every day, there is no going back! You simply cannot ignore it!
The trouble is, many people do not dig deep enough to intimately articulate what is important to them. They do not build that conscience to guide them through life. Do you want your conscience nattering at you all the time? Probably not!
However, as scary as this journey can be there are certain benefits to personal values clarity: 

Values Clarity is Empowering
Personal values clarity is empowering. When we are clear about our personal values, we are much more in control of our own lives. For instance, when we are acutely aware of our personal values and live them, suddenly the smallest actions or gestures can have a huge impact.
Further, with greater awareness of what matters we tend to make decisions based on integrity for longer-term positive results -- not to mention peace of mind. We feel good and empowered when we can honestly say we made choices in life based on what we truly value. 

Values Motivate
Values motivate us in that they keep us focused on why we do what we do and on the ends toward which we are striving. Life can get busy and it can get tough. Have you ever needed to remind yourself why you embarked a new difficult endeavor?
Reminding ourselves of our values can pull us through difficult times and keep us motivated to reach our goals or to take us through life transitions.

Values Rejuvenate
Similarly, we refer to our values when we need to replenish our energy. As Kouzes and Posner put it, "values are the banners that fly as we persist, as we struggle, as we toil." When you are feeling off balance and in need of rejuvenation we are drawn to spending time doing the things we value most. It might be watching a football game or spending time with family. Whatever that value may be, refocusing on what matters can be a powerful way to get energized so that we can take on our next challenge. 
Values Resolve Conflicts
Values can keep you and your colleagues, friends, family, community on course, especially when you become engaged in conflicts or controversies. Getting caught up in conflict can keep individuals preoccupied with petty differences. Instead, adopting a broader, bigger picture focus through values clarity can assist individuals with moving past the pettiness of the conflict.
Ultimately, when you know what matters to you, letting go of the small things that do not matter can be quite freeing. It allows you to let go of getting what you think you need, instead of what you really need. 

Values Provide Focus
Values can also help us move forward with focus. Just reminding yourself of the principles that are most important often can refocus your attention on the things that really matter.
Understanding our core values can raise us up to see the bigger picture, removing unimportant activities and actions from your busy schedule. Using values as our guidepost for action encourages us to do more of the "right stuff" while kicking the "wrong stuff" to the curb.
So, although the journey toward realizing what we truly value in life can be a bit daunting the benefits are many. Get clear about what you believe in! Take the time to self-reflect, to soul search or to re-assess your values. Doing the work to get there is well worth it! 

By Jennifer Cottes, MBA


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