A resume furnishes details for presenting yourself for a prospective job. It is a summary of your skills, accomplishments, experiences and education. There is no standard format for preparing your resume. It should be designed in such a way to impress your prospective employer and to ensure the call for an interview. Apart from the basic categories, you can add on details to make it more impressive. Always make a rough resume with all the details before you finalize on the fair one. We can go through the basic categories, to help you to make a resume.

Name, Address and Telephone: One has to give his/her permanent address with phone number if any. If you have an e-mail address, include that too.

Objective: It should be brief and to the point. It must give the employer an idea about your work preferences and where you want to be in your career, in future.
For example:
  • Seeking a challenging position with opportunities for career advancement and learning.
  • To have a long career in the (particular field), gain further skills and attain the goal of the organisation aiming at mutual growth.
Profile: This category is optional but valuable. Here one should give an overall picture of his/her abilities and accomplishments. You must stress on your particular strengths. sd
For example:
  • Good knowledge on Internet Security, E-commerce Transactions, System Analysis etc.
  • More than one year experience in the particular industry.
Educational Qualification: Here one has to include your degree, specialisation, institutions attended, year of graduation, subsidiary subjects studied, and any special workshops, seminars, related courses or projects done. You can give your qualifications separately as academic and professional or technical if any.

Career Graph or Work Experience: One must give details regarding the place you have worked, the position you held, your responsibilities and achievements if any, duration of work etc. List the name of the organisation, give a brief description if you prefer and the place it's located. Then give your work responsibilities with an emphasis on achievements- (work projects done, targets achieved etc.) and the dates or period you have served in the organisation.

Personal Profile: Your personal details like date of birth, permanent address and contact number, e-mail, passport details if any, hobbies, languages known etc. 

References: References should be given with prior consent from the relevant people. This must include their name, address and phone number. It is not essential to give references in a resume. You can state that references can be furnished if needed.


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