Having high self-esteem is the first step towards carving out a better life for yourself. Here are practical tips on what you can do to build your self esteem.
Exercise regularly. The connection between high self esteem and regular exercise is not apparent, but it exists all the same. The more you exercise, the healthier and better you look and feel. Regular exercise pumps up circulation and makes skin glow. It makes you feel more alive and vibrant, and lifts your mood.

All of us have dreams of what we want to be, what we want to achieve and so on. These dreams can only come true if we have faith in our abilities to achieve our dreams, and this faith comes with a strong sense of self worth.
If you have a dream, don't just spend all your time lost in it. Instead, work towards it and start planning. What do you need to do to fulfil your dream? Make a plan and set a goal. Those with a definite goal in life have higher self-esteem than 'drifters' who just let life pass them by without paving a path for themselves.

Don't let your failures get you down. When we see a successful person, we often assume he achieved success overnight, and fail to see the years of hard work, struggle and failures he had to deal with. JK Rowling's Harry Potter manuscript was turned down again and again by a number of publishers, before it was finally accepted.

Public Speaking
Many tremble at the thought of speaking in public. Although you may never need to give a speech to a large crowd, taking up a good public speaking course helps in making us more confident when speaking up in a group of friends and acquaintances. Similarly, taking up a voice modulation course should help as well.

Join classes in subjects you find interesting. Don't wait for a friend to join with you - simply sign up by yourself. If you enjoy entertaining people, join a bartending course! If you like to cook, enrol in a cooking or baking class. Joining classes gives you the opportunity to interact with more people, and the more you interact with others, the more confident you will be in company.

Another great course to do to increase your confidence would be a theatre course. Being able to perform on stage will undoubtedly give you a high. In addition, the feeling of being part of a group, practicing and rehearsing together, will definitely bring you out of your shell. However, taking up theatre as a hobby and as a profession are two different things entirely. Going in for the latter means opting for a career filled with uncertainties, unexpected highs and lows and a whole new ball game of insecurities.

Being in a bad relationship also has an adverse effect on our self-esteem, and no woman, good looking or otherwise, is immune to abuse. What will help you in this situation is your ability to stand on your own feet, so you can get out of the relationship, so make having a career or a qualification that you can fall back on, a priority.


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