Want to crack a job interview without any blunders? Well, then here are some things, which the interviewers don't expect you to do during the one on one session.

The survey carried out by a career website over more than 3000 managers and human resources professionals brought forth the worst interview faux pas by job seekers that failed them to land the job.

Fifty one per cent of managers said 'dressing inappropriately' for an interview was the biggest mistake a jobseeker could make.

According to Kirsty Ferguson, from Pinstripe Solutions Interview Coach, inappropriate dressing leaves a message that the candidate hasn't bothered to research the company, industry or the culture.

"A lot of people these days say this is who I am, and too bad," News.com.au quoted her, as saying.

"But to get what you want, you have to have those professional standards," she added.

Christine Connors, owner of Interview for Success, echoes that same.

She said that candidates wear the wrong thing because they go with what they're used to, and don't understand the company's culture or requirements of the new role.

"I advise clients to go observe employees coming and going from the building and then step it up one notch from that," said Connors.

Complaining about a former employer can also land you in trouble for 49 per cent of managers said that it was the biggest mistake you could make.

While seeming disinterested was third, with 48 per cent.

Jobseekers appear disinterested when they haven't researched the company and don't have any questions - another thing interviewers hate - said Connors.

Do not ask about your salary in the first interview. Focus on selling the product, which is you.

"The one that sticks in the mind a candidate where body odour was a big problem," Connors said.

The candidate was well dressed, qualified and personable, but it was a hot summer's day.

"As soon as he came in, an odour permeated the room," she said.

He wasn't hired because the customer and sales focused job required excellent grooming.

Remember to turn off your phone before entering the room. Ferguson said that answering a mobile phone during an interview also irks the interviewers.

"When you have the mobile phone on, it says waiting for a call is more important - it takes away your credibility," she said.

Don't be too friendly since interviewers may try to draw candidates into a 'false sense of security' to see if they stay professional.

Avoid using slangs. Younger generation make the mistake of 'like this, like that', which is unprofessional and annoys older managers.

Connor said that telling too many personal details when asked 'tell us about yourself' is another big mistake. Have a personal statement of two to three minutes prepared which highlights your key strengths and how they are relevant.

The managers also managers listed arrogance as another big mistake.

"Some candidates have been successful all their lives, they think they are going to breeze in but they haven't taken the initiative to learn about or show interest in the company," said Connors.

"It has to be a two way street. Showing you are confident but asking about the company and how you can contribute will avoid coming across as arrogant," she added.


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