1. Jesus Christ2. Thomas Jefferson3. Mikhail Gorbachev4. Martin Luther King5. Nelson Mandela6. Lord Buddha7. Winston Churchill8. William Shakespeare9. Adolf Hitler10. Abraham Lincoln 11. Woodrow Wilson 12. Joan of Arc 13. Mother Teresa 14. Muhammed 15. William Wilberforce 16. George Washington 17. Sri Krishna 18. Bill Gates 19. Martin Luther 20. Rosa Parks 21. Lord Nelson 22....
Listen to Actual Voice of Swami Vivekananda Wonderful and amazing speech, with tremendous thought-out words made it so precious - from Shree Swami Vivekananda, before our times and how true some of the things he said. Short and powerful.What a command of English Language he had 120 years back! Listen to Actual Voice of Swami Vivekananda in his Famous speech at World Conference in Chicago on 9/11/189...

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